Della Eve Piercy Honnas

           circa 1930

b. March 15, 1870, Nebraska
d. March 13, 1949, Phoenix, Arizona

 Della, who was the daughter of William H. & Amelia Zartman Piercy, arrived in Arizona Territory from Kansas in the late 1800's with her first husband (whose surname was Peysert) and his sister Lillian. Her son Cecil was born in a tent in the mining camp in 1907.

 By 1916 she and her next husband, Peter Honnas, who adopted Cecil, moved to Sonoita, Arizona. They homesteaded land and raised dairy cattle, chickens, and grew vegetables. Cecil's son, Donald, remembers that Della planted her gardens by the signs of the moon. Their income came from their dairy operations, including delivering cream to Nogales.

 Della lived out her life on the homestead.

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