" "Pearl LeGendre"

Pearl LeGendre

Born September 11, 1901 Canyon, Texas
Died Sept. 21, 1975 Glendale, Az.
Her parents were Lou Ammon Pierce
and Fannie Mary Miles

Pearl's family were ranchers in the Pan Handle of Texas.
Both of her parents were from Obion County in Tennessee.
Pearl first attended Hoffman School which was close to the
Pierce ranch. The family then bought a home in Canyon, Texas
so that the children could attend school there. She graduated from
Canyon High School and attended at that time the Normal School
for two years. In those days a person could obtain a teaching
certificate after only two years.

She came to Sonoita in 1922 and taught at Sonoita Grammar
School until 1924 when she married Ed Legendre. That was the
policy in those days that only single women could teach.
(Married men could teach, but not married women)
The policy changed during the World War II as there was an
acute shortage of teachers.

She began teaching again at Sonoita. Then Harshaw and moved
on to Patagonia in 1950. Her parents still lived in Canyon and she
would go there each summer and attend summer school.

Through a lot of hard work she received her Bachelor's
degree in 1950 and went on to receive her masters in 1955
from West Texas State College.
She retired from teaching in 1967.

Pearl and Ed were married in Tombstone, Arizona June 6, 1924.
Two boys were born of this marriage. Edward Phillip LeGendre
and Herbert Pierce LeGendre.

She was cremated and has a memorial headstone
at Black Oak Cemetery with her husband Ed.

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